Happy Easter

Alas, I don’t post as often as I should, but I do wish EVERYONE a Happy Easter!  I have been away in Boulder, Colorado helping out with my 4-1/2 year old granddaughter while my daughter-in-law was out-of-town on business.  My son is a #1 Dad, but he works long hours, and I LOVE helping out with Maya.  We also used our trip to Colorado as an excuse to do a little side trip (before Boulder) and stayed in Santa Fe first for a few days .  I do love Santa Fe as well.  My favorite place to stay is The LaFonda on the Square in Old Town.  While no finishing got done while I was away, I came home to LOTS of orders and have a few lovely items to show as well as a couple family photos.

Spring is certainly here with these two items.  Cheryl stitched these lovely Easter themed pieces.


Don’t you just LOVE these happy little chicks???!!!



Then there was this adorable bunny rabbit collecting eggs turned into a door hanger.



Cheryl also stitched these two cute Christmas items.  She now has a real head start on the next Christmas season!  Flat folds are so nice for holiday pieces because they fold up so nice to pack away after the holiday is gone!



Doesn’t this little pillow just make you smile?



Southpaw Stitcher was very inventive and took an old cross-stitch piece that was once stuck to a sticky mat board and decided to have it made new again.  She is adding to her growing “bird” stitched collection.  I think it turned out fantastic.  Check out her blog.



Cheryl also stitched a lovely large pillow on scrumptious white and yellow striped linen.  Love the sunny colors for Spring.



Christie is ahead of the game for this year and zoomed right into a couple of patriotic pieces.


And here is the second one she stitched as a gift.  Love this pattern.



I also had an order to make 3 tea bag holders for someone.  I made these a few years ago for our Quilt Boutique.  It was a popular seller as they make nice gifts.  If anyone would be interested in purchasing one, just email me on my Finishing Page or my FB page and I will get back to you.  Here are a couple of photos of what they look like.




It was really fun helping out in caring for my 4-1/2 year old “Maya.”  She is a delight.  My other grandchildren are older now (18, 16, 14, and 12), so it’s fun to still have a young  ‘un around.   One day we went for a walk around the lake which is only 5 minutes from their home.  Maya LOVED getting a little wet and loves to cuddle up on her Daddy.  I LOVE Boulder!  We try to get out there twice a year.



I really hope the weather here in Chicago warms up soon.  I am missing the warm sunny days of Boulder.  I thought since we had a mild winter that Spring warmth would be early.  Not so…there was FROST on the lawn this morning!  I like the change of seasons here, but I do so LOVE the warmer days!

I love hearing from my blogging friends…be sure to leave a comment.

In friendship, Averyclaire







“Hoppy Easter!” + PhD Update

Happy Easter to all my blogging friends! Here is a little Easter decoration I made for the season.
TRilogy Rabbit
It is from Trilogy on 32 ct. linen. I left off the alphabet that comes at the bottom of the pattern, turned around the bottom border to be opposite the one at the top and added the ribbon.  Happy Easter to All!

I actually did work on my unfinished projects…but slowly. I went away to Colorado in January/February to care for my son (who was in a 12 week recuperation after serious back surgery) and my little 3-1/2 year old granddaughter while his wife was out of town. When I returned it was difficult to get the MOJO back for the PhDs. However…here is my completed Halloween Fairy.

Halloween Fairy framed


It is seriously difficult to photograph something that has already been framed and sealed under glass! I will remember for next time!

Slow progress being made, but coming along nicely is my Lily of the Valley collage.   Here are the before and after photos from last post.


Lily of Valley Collage


Lily of the Valley Collage progress

Still quite a ways to go.

And last but not least are two projects completed a LONG TIME AGO…but are finally professionally framed. They are cross-stitched replicas of two Indian rugs which I did for my husband to hang on the wall in his den.



There is NO progress to report on my large red and white quilt which I was machine quilting myself….it remains unfinished.  No work done on the Lorna Bateman pin cushion either.

We are now on row five of the nine rows of the huge king size red and green Irish Chain quilt. Lots of work to go, but steady progress being made.

KIng Size Irish Chain2

I worked on a couple of other small needlework projects which I will show next time. So much for the long  grey Chicago winter.  I think Spring is finally coming…the daffodials are peeking up and a few crocuses are blooming!

A Blessed and Happy Easter to all….Amities, Averyclaire

Border Progress

Happy Easter Week to everyone!    Here are my Easter finishes. They were all fun and easy to make.

Easter 2014

Yes…the border is coming along. I am going to post some time lapse photos so you can see the progress. I have the center sections and the left sides complete. Here is the progress to date beginning with the photo I took initially:


Border 2a

Border 2

Center sections of borders complete.

Border 3

Left side sections of borders complete.

Border 4

It sure has been a long tedious process…but I feel it will be done soon. The right sides remain. Although, I do have all the pieces traced and ironed onto fusible…just waiting to cut out…so that will go quickly. After I fuse the right side appliques down, I can do the four corners…not difficult after all the work I have already done. Then the appliques must be sewn in place.

Alas, with these borders taking up all my time, I have done no other handiwork. :((

Hope everyone out there is enjoying the lovely spring days we are having! And for those of you living far far away, I imagine you will begin having your cool crisp autumn days to enjoy!

Amities, Averyclaire

A Few Finishes

I have been hibernating to finish out this crazy winter!   At long last most of our snow is melting.  Chicago (Chi-beria) is now beginning to thaw. We have had a few warmer days, but not enough!  However, I did finish a few things while keeping warm.

My yellow whole-cloth quilt is now complete.   I finished doing the trapunto work a few weeks ago.   I am in love with the quilt and am so sorry it took me SO LONG to finish it.   My thanks to Tim Latimer whose beautiful hand quilting and exquisite trapunto inspired me to complete this.  Please visit his blog to see his work.

Yellow Whole Cloth Finished

Next I finally did the “finishing” of two Christmas ornaments I did a while ago. I made some for friends for Christmas and liked them so much I made a couple for myself.   I KNOW that the photo background is not exactly a “christmasy” background, but my quilt was JUST SITTING THERE waiting to be photographed again!  Note…the red on the ornaments is really red…not orange!  (Both ornaments are Little House Needlework patterns.)

Xmas Ornies Jan 2014

And last but not least is an Easter ornament that I love. I have a couple more in the works but they are not completed yet.  This ornament is from a Prairie Schooler  leaflet entitled “Folk Eggs.”

Easter Egg 1

Does anyone out there have the pattern from Prairie Schooler called “A Prairie Garden“?  It is rather old.   I wondered if anyone out there would be willing to sell me theirs?   Please let me know if you have one for sale or trade.

During the last blog hop I was lucky enough to be the recipient of some very nice gifts from Joyce at “Joyces Love of Life” blog.   Please visit her here.   She has a LOT of lovely cross-stitch projects in the works!    Thank you again Joyce for the lovely gifts.


Others things have been in the in my studio, but my wonderful lovely Husqvarna sewing machine is in for repair at the moment.   Hopefully it won’t be TOO expensive for the repairs.    I was working on a king size red and white quilt and it just up and quit on me!    Oh the pain!    But then my hand stitching is getting caught up, so I shouldn’t complain!

Hope the Spring Solstice scares away the frigid north winds and lets the balmy breezes blow up from down south!

Amities, Averyclaire

Happy Easter to All

May all of my family and friends be blessed with a joyful Easter weekend!!

Note: The thread is actually a lovely variegated pink…not orange! Amicalement, Averyclaire